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Love the vibes, music and art!! A well balanced and fun game to play!! Not too hard, but not too easy either XD!! Took me a bit to stop running into asteroids lololol


Thank you!!! I'm actually trying to beat my friend's high score of 350, but I keep running into the asteroids too, haha.

Having lots of fun with this! The art and sound design is great. I also think the gameplay loop of having tl blast asteroids twice to pick-up the minerals, which is also putting you in danger, was a really cool way of balancing risk and reward. I can be careful and only blow up one asteroid at a time, or try to go for a higher score but risk getting crushed by lots of little ones!

Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it!


Amazing job, the pixel art is very cute and the gameplay loop is entertaining!

Thank you!!! :D